How Senior Year Ends

Coming up to the end of my senior year now and I’ve got about two weeks left until graduation. I am like everybody else just ready to graduate and get out of school and go straight to work hopefully at Caterpillar. High school for me at least has been very event full, between dealing with COVID 19 for my first two years of high school, then getting a job to start making some money, and also being a high school. Let me tell you high school is definitely a roller coaster but in the end it is really worth it. Everything we are learning about is really gonna help us out in the real world and help us when we get a good job after high school. At the beginning of freshman year I was ready to graduate and now it’s my senior year and two weeks away from walking across the stage and getting my diploma. After getting that diploma I am gonna be ready to go to work and start my adult life and to support my family. Getting ready to go off to work full time after high school is gonna really get me ready for my adult life and to enjoy life with my family.

Plans after high school are to hopefully get a good job and to hopefully get my own place to live before December comes around. I have a lot of goals for the next 15 years of my life, one of them is gonna be getting my own place maybe in Tennessee. The main goal I have for myself right now is to get a good job, a place to live, and get a newer vehicle so my girlfriend and I don’t have to figure out how to split one car. I will either get a nice trailer to live in because those things are cheap and are very nice nowadays, or go get a nice apartment. Either one works as long as there is a roof over my head I really don’t care it just has to be nice and have enough room. Having goals i feel like is always good to have so you know what you’re working for and what you need to save up for. Having very nice things just makes you appreciate how hard you work and how saving and hard work can get you nice things in life. After graduation I’m gonna try and be very successful in life and try my hardest to be the best I can for myself and my family. Will I miss this school and my friends yes I will but it is time to get life on the roll and to really start making a living and to make everyone proud and show them that all of my hard work has really paid off and that everybody in my life has really helped me get to where I am today. Without those people I don’t know where I would be at and if i would be as successful as I am now. ‘

This concludes my last blog post and I really hope my blog inspires somebody to work hard and if you really put your mind to it you can do anything to succeed in life and hard work and dedication is always a good thing to remember as well. I wish everybody luck when going to be a senior and to enjoy it while it lasts.

10 things to know about the suspension of California's High School Exit  Exam – OCDE Newsroom

Life of a High School Parent (pt.2)

After our baby was born I ended up missing a week of school and a week of work to stay home to take care of my girlfriend and our baby. The first week of our baby being born was honestly just different for the both of us. I remember going to the very first sonogram and let me tell you it was different just seeing a little one floating around in my girlfriend’s stomach. It was a long wait and then she finally came into his world and it was really different. The first week of her being in the world was just so different. i would just be sitting there holding her and looking at her and just thinking wow this is my baby. She was so precious and very cuddly when she was first born. She really made all that wait worth our time.

Going back to school after she was born really felt weird. It was like I wasn’t supposed to leave her just yet but we made it through the day. It was weird walking in to school because I was gone for what felt like a month but it was only a week. I knew a lot of people knew why I was gone for awhile and I had a lot of people coming up asking about the baby and to see pictures. I had teachers asking me as well, which didn’t bother me at one bit. It took a while to get used to going back to school but I do need an education if I want to provide for my family. Let me tell you working and going to school while having a kid is hard sometimes between the messed up sleeping schedule and the time I miss with my baby. All in the end it is all worth it and I have something to work for and she will always keep me on my feet and will never let me down.

Life of a High School Parent (pt.1)

Let me tell you being a parent in high school is probably something I never thought would happen to me. I still remember when I got the text my junior year from my girlfriend about the pregnancy. I was in my 6th hour class I was ready to leave school but at the same time i was shaking and sweating because I was so nervous on what the results were gonna be. I finally got a text and she told me that she didn’t have COVID 19 but that she was pregnant. I was so shocked I dropped my phone. It was probably one of the craziest things I have been told in a long time. Let me say when I found out and I knew I had to tell my parents about it and I knew they were gonna be livid when I told them, and they were mad for a while which was expected.

For a while I would just sit in my bed at night just wondering how all this is gonna work and I was just lost on what to do for the baby. After a couple months we started getting stuff ready for the baby. Then the baby shower happened and it was fun and everything we got really helped us out in the long end for being fully prepared for the baby to come. It was Saturday ,April 23 and it was about 11 o’clock in the morning and she was having bad contractions and we decided to go to the hospital and like 3 hours later we were admitted to the birthing room. She was in labor for about 12 hours that day and things got heart racing when the baby’s heart beat dropped lower then 70 twice and then she had to have a C-section. It was scary for both of us and sadly I didn’t get to watch the birth of our baby but after hearing her first cry I cried of joy. It was the happiest day of my life and being able to see her for the first time just made me speech less. She was a beautiful baby girl and just being there with her while waiting for my girlfriend to get back from recovery I just held her. She was so sweet and we were ready to go home. Went home after three days and now it was time to enjoy life with our baby girl.

Mother & Baby Unit

Senior year

Being a senior now is something I have been looking forward to sense I first came to the high school and now sense I am a senior it really is hard to think after this we are sent out into the real world. Senior year is easy at times other times it is not so easy. The big test that we have to take to be able to walk across the stage, and hearing that made me think what if I don’t make it and i don’t pass. Well I did end up passing the test with a good grade and I felt a lot better about myself and also knowing I will walk across the stage. Walking across that stage is a very big achievement in our lives and it is something we all have been working hard for at this moment.

We have finished our first semester of our senior year and we are now back and ready to get this second semester done and over with. After getting the second semester out of the way we will all be out on our own ready to start a new chapter of our lives where we all go our own ways. Some of us are going straight to work others are going to college. I will personally not go to college after high school I am gonna go straight to work and try to enjoy life the best I can after high school. After high I am hoping to travel and go to different places in the United States to visit and to see all the attractions. It will be great to travel around with my family and to enjoy the nice weather and to enjoy all the places to visit. Hopefully in the end to move somewhere nice where it is away from people and where it is quite and peaceful.

Junior Summer

A week after my baby was born I had to go back to school and try to finish my junior year. i went back to school and it was a little weird being back in school. It felt like I shouldn’t be at school right now but instead i should be at home with my girlfriend and my baby. I remember coming back to school and people asking where I was and how my baby was doing. School only went on for about another month before summer break and it was nice to finally be out of school and be able to spend some time with my family. Being out of school for summer break really is nice and I enjoyed it by going out and having fun, spending time with family, and thinking how I get to graduate next year. There was also work I would have to worry about working almost all the time since it was summer time and I could close.

Working during the summer time always sucks but also when you have a new infant that was just born you would want to spend lots of time with the sense you’re trying. Going to work almost everyday and then it makes it even worse because I am trying to spend lots of time with my girlfriend and our daughter. Let me tell you having a kid is the most amazing thing ever. Having a kid while I was still in school was a bit of a struggle but I made it through and I kept my head up for the rest of my junior year. Summer time was pretty easy because I didn’t have school so I had more time to spend with my baby and to be able to get her on a good sleeping schedule for when I’m ready to go back to school.

Junior Year

My Junior year was a very long year for me, definitely after coming back from being online. Coming back to school for my junior year was definitely different. I was going from working at home on a laptop to working in school again. It was a really big change and I wasn’t prepared for everything that was about to happen my junior year. When first starting back up going to school in person was different and I did start talking to all of my old friends which was good. Being able to see all my friends and just feeling like school is normal again was great. My classes were definitely different from online but it was better and easier to understand how to do the school work. Things were going good until my life ended up getting a big change.

My life ended up getting a big change because during my junior year my girlfriend and I found out she was pregnant. Let me tell you how scary it was knowing I was going to be a father as a junior in high school. I was completely scared out of my mind and we couldn’t believe it at first. It took a lot of thinking and a lot of sleepless nights just for us to think about how we are gonna make this work. We ended up telling our families and somewhere happier than others but it is what it is. Between school, work, and knowing there is a baby on the way was a lot of stress. Then time flew by pretty quick to the point where she was about to be born and she. Finally my babe named Kingsley was finally born and it was the best day of our lives.

Sophomore Summer

After COVID and everything happening during Sophomore year was very stressful and when summer came around it was very much needed after everything that happened during online. I went ahead and hung out with a lot of my friends and it was well needed, definitely after breaking up with my ex-girlfriend. I would either go to work or I would go hang out with my friends. There would also be times I would go to my grandpa’s house to go help him or to just sit around for hours and talk with him. It would be lots of fun getting up early and going over to my grandpa’s house almost everyday to go sit with him at McDonald’s and just hang out. Then we would also do yard sales during the summer too. Every summer we do at least three to five yard sales every summer to get rid of all the stuff he would have from auctions and garage sales.

The least favorite thing for a kid during summer time is working but it wasn’t bad to make money to have to spend definitely if I go somewhere It wasn’t bad working during school because at my old job i would work three days and off four days but it was enough money that it will all added up pretty good and I would have lot’s of spending money. I also learned how to save my money back instead of always blowing all of it on stuff I don’t need. There would be times I would go out and splurge and buy some stuff or go out with friends instead of being stuck in a house all day. Money is always nice to have defiantly when you need to buy import essentials like gas sense I would wast a lot of gas when hanging out with friends.

Sophomore Year

My sophomore year was a pretty boring year. I decided to go online that year and it was nice being able to do your work whenever you wanted to. Most of the time there were time periods you would have to worry about but that’s pretty much it. After a while being cooped up in a house almost all day while doing school work is not fun at all. At first I liked doing it online because I got to stay at home instead of going to school and wearing a mask. I would sleep most of the time and then wake up to do my school work and enjoy the rest of my day. P.e was even worse because you would have to do it on your phone everyday before 3:12 every day.

During that whole year i passed by a little. The grading scale was really messed up and wasn’t making any sense. How all of my work was graded was way different then the schools grading scale. Then there was a point where i got behind in my classes and that was not fun to try and ketch up to at all. It wasn’t easy defiantly when everyday they add more to your classes for you to do. Then p.e became a big issue but all in all i finished it all and passed my sophomore year and got my license that summer. Getting my license during my sophomore year was amazing because i could drive around wherever I wanted to go to, until my curfew hit.

Working During School

I remember getting my first job in high school. I was working at a grocery store and it was a pretty easy job for my first job. I was making at least eight dollars an hour which to me was pretty good. I would get paid every week and be getting a little over one hundred dollars each week. Now being only 16 I thought that was a lot of money, which it was because i didn’t have my license yet and I didn’t have to pay for anything at the time. I would be saving all the money I would make from each paycheck to be able to get what I wanted. Getting off at about nine o’clock at night was nice because I would go home, eat, shower, and sleep.

I got to meet a lot of people that were pretty nice and some that I knew because of my grandpa. Where I worked there was a bench inside where anybody could sit and have a cup of coffee. My grandpa and I would sit there every morning before heading back to his house for the day. When you have a job there is always that one person at your job who is a jerk and is always in a bad mood for no reason. I did learn to just ignore the people that could ruin your day and just be around the people that are in good moods and set good examples. My first job was pretty good but it started to get a little worse every time do to COVID-19 and I started to get less hours. So I went ahead and tried to find a better paying job so I could save up more for a vehicle to drive to school.

Freshman Year

I remember graduating from the Junior High School like it was just yesterday. It felt like a really big mild stone to me and my friends. We all were happy to move on to high school and finally graduate ,but there were some things that none of us were prepared for at all. The first day of high school wasn’t the worst thing ever but it was nice to know that i was practically almost done with school. I remember going to all my classes and trying to find all of my classes. I remember the first day of school I was meeting all of my old friends and also making new ones as well. Freshman year of high school wasn’t the worst but it also wasn’t the best either.

Fresh man year was pretty nerve racking because there where lots of thoughts going through my head like will I graduate, will I past all of my important test, and will I meet the high school needs for passing this year. Fresh man year is always one of your most hard working years of high school in my opinion. Between getting your drivers license and trying to make sure you pass to get your drivers licenses. Then it is our first year of doing finals and it was pretty hard. Then school got even worse for our freshman year. An outbreak hit the nation called COVID-19 and it ruined a lot of stuff for people. IT ruined the seniors graduation and it caused everybody to go online the rest of the year.